FNB personal loans are loans designed for individuals who find themselves in need of extra cash. It is sometimes not easy to get along especially when you have responsibilities to satisfy with extra cash. A personal loan can help you pay for extra cost that might have generated huge interests if not take care of now.

FNB Personal Loans Types

Fbn loans are packaged differently to allow you to choose the one that will best suit your financial needs. These are: 

Fnb Loans - normal loans
Fnb Easy Loans - quick cash loans

Fnb Loans - these fnb loans are taken by individuals who might want to use them for consolidating debt, do improvements at home, take a holiday or pay for any major project that needs a sum of money. These personal loans start from R1 000 up to R150 000. The repayment period for these personal loans is anything from 1 up to 60 months.

FNB Easy Loans

Fnb Easy Loans are quick loans for someone who might find himself in need of quick cash. Fnb has made the application process very quick and easy. The Fnb Easy loans range from R250 up to R60 000 and is paid into your account in just 10 minutes. These Fnb loans have the following advantages:
  • Loans from R250 to R60 000 paid out within 10 minutes
  • Easy repayment period of 1 - 60 months
  • Loan insurance cover - in the event of death, retrenchment, dread disease as well as temporary and permanent disability
  • Weekly/ fortnightly earners do qualify for Easy Loans

Who Can Apply For Fnb Loan?

  • Permanently employed for a minimum of 3 months
  • Permanent resident of South Africa
  • Between the ages of 18 and 65 years old
  • Earning a monthly take home pay of R700 after meeting all your current financial obligations, including your new loan

Documents Required To Apply For Fnb Loans

  • A green bar-coded South African ID
  • Original payslips (2 payslips if paid fortnightly or 4 if paid weekly)
  • 3 months bank statement for non-FNB customers
  • One months' bank statements (for non-FNB customers)
  • Proof of residence
  • A settlement quote if you wish to consolidate your debts

Where To Apply For The Loan?

Fnb has branches spread accross all over South Africa. For the list of Fbn branches where you can apply for the loans, click here

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