FNB Loans For Blacklisted Clients

FNB loans for blacklisted clients are type of loans that are given to clients after a credit check has been performed. FNB like any other back do offer personal loans to its clients who bank with the bank. If you do not bank with FNB but are looking for FNB loans for blacklisted client you can submit your application.

FNB Loans For Blacklisted Advantages

Generally banks do not given loans to people who are blacklisted but this type of loans are given like all other loans that FNB gives. You could be blacklisted but that does not mean that your credit score will not be considered by banks at all.

Types of Blacklisted Clients

There are different types of blacklisted clients in South Africa. Some clients are just bad payers and they are regarded as blacklisted which simply means that their status is updated as such. Other have defaults listing on their names and this is regarded as being blacklisted. You could also be listed with what is known as a judgement. All these types of clients are regarded as blacklisted. People are encouraged to always check their blacklisted status.

FNB loans for blacklisted clients simply are instances where FNB looks at your application say in case you are just a slow payer. The bank might request that you resolve whatever account you have then approve your application once it is resolved.

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